Copytrack detects where your images have been used on the web and assist you in the legal process, for free. This plugin will upload your Media Library to Copytrack. You can get it for free on the WordPress Repository.
Create an account at Copytrack (it is free). Visit the Meow Apps > Copytrack. Follow the instructions. Go to the Media Library, and start uploading your files. Nothing is created in the database except a tiny meta entry for that media, specific to Copytrack. The plugin is very lean.
3rd Party Service
Copytrack is a third-party service and this plugin is not affiliated with it. The Image Copytrack plugin is accessing the Copytrack API using your key and token. It is totally safe, however, I cannot
For now, the upload is only allowed one by one. Make sure you wait 2-3 seconds between the end of the upload and a new one, otherwise the request might be rejected by Copytrack. There will be a bulk mode later that does everything automatically. However, for now, I prefer to focus on making the foundation of this plugin perfect. I am looking forward to your feedbacks, bug reports, issues, ideas and reviews to motivate me to make all this better.