Clean your WordPress from useless files in your filesystem, and unused entries in your Media Library. This extremely powerful tool has been perfected and even rewritten completely through the years and numerous collaborations. You will love it – and if you don’t, let me know! I will make it better for you.

Clean, Fast, Efficient

Say goodbye to unused files and broken media for a lighter, faster WordPress.

Intuitive and User-Friendly

Powerful doesn’t mean complicated—easily clean up your media library with a smooth, intuitive UI.

Peace of Mind

Use the internal trash to review and confirm changes before permanent deletion.

Smart Compatibility

Works seamlessly with major themes, page builders, and plugins to ensure reliable cleaning.

Quality support

Have an issue? We’re here to help you get the most out of Media Cleaner.

Free & Pro Versions

Free Version

  • Media Library Scan

    Detect and remove unused media entries like images, PDFs, and other files safely.

  • Powerful Analysis

    Scans your posts, meta, widgets, and more to ensure accurate detection.

Pro Version

  • Everything from the Free Version

  • Filesystem Scan

    Match files in your uploads directory with your Media Library to find unreferenced items.

  • Advanced Plugin Support

    Handles content from page builders, complex plugins, and custom fields with ease.

  • Live Site Scan

    Analyze your live website for even more precise cleaning.

  • WP-CLI Support

    Speed up operations or automate tasks via direct server access.

  • Visit the Pro Version


Plugins & Page Builders Support

Just to clarify, the fact the Pro Version supports more plugins and page builders doesn’t mean that it will detect more files; on the contrary: it will return less false-positive results (= better accuracy). With the Free Version, you will have to be more careful; the Pro Version is more accurate, but you will still have to be careful. If there are false-positive results within the Pro Version, contact us and we will handle your use cases as well.

Media Library Scan / Filesystem Scan

There is no scan better than the others, they just achieve a different type of scan, and provide different results. To actually clean your WordPress at 100%, you need to execute both. Depending on the state of your WordPress and how you actually use it, you might only need one or the other.

  • Media Library Scan: Media Cleaner will first analyze your whole WordPress and create a database of the files which are in use in your content. Then, it will go through every media in your Media Library, and check if it’s part of the used files.
  • Filesystem Scan: Media Cleaner will analyze your whole Media Library (including the metadata) and create a database of the files which are registered in it. Then, it will go through every single file in the filesystem (or hard drive, if you prefer), and check if it’s part of the used files.

Please note that this is the behavior by default (and the recommended one). As you will see in the tutorial, you can alter this behavior through the settings.

Reviews from WordPress

Written by @irestorestuff on WordPress Forums

Amazing Premium Version!

Thanks for this plugin. I reduced the size of my website media by an enormous amount and feel like I’ve just de-cluttered my entire house!

Written by @aranbira on WordPress Forums

Very good plugin, well researched

I was very hesitant about using a media cleaner. This one however has been well researched. Even better was the support and quick responses I got to my email queries.

Written by @bdwatt0 on WordPress Forums

Incredible Support

I’ve been using this for years, when all of a sudden, the plugin’s settings screen went blank. I reached out to Jordy, who was quickly able to diagnose the problem, tweak the plugin’s code, and have me back up and running in no time.